Martin Koelling’s Post

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East Asia Correspondent at Handelsblatt, the German financial daily, & Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), the Swiss daily.

North Korea-Iran connection: US-government is "incredibly concerned" Former US national security advisor John Bolton warns about North Korean help for the Uranium enrichment program of Iran for nuclear weapons. Now in Handelsblatt. US government officials echoed the sentiment, warning that they take the possibility of cooperation between North Korean and Iran very seriously. By Astrid Doerner and myself.

USA sind über mögliche nordkoreanische Hilfe für den Iran besorgt

USA sind über mögliche nordkoreanische Hilfe für den Iran besorgt

Edo 慧人 Naito 内藤

A commentator on Japanese politics, law and history. Retired Board Director, Executive Officer at US/Japan Multinationals, & Int'l Business Attorney. Naturalized Japanese 2015 (Born Edward Neiheisel) A member of the LDP.


My sense is that it is inevitable now that CCP China, Russia, IR Iran, and North Korea are, if not yet in an alliance, now OPENLY cooperating with each other in a growing number of areas that support the shared main objectives. Thanks to some help from their friends, North Korea will deploy a string of operational satellites and upgrade their ICBMs to MIRV capability. Already underway. And IR Iran will get from the same friends, the last pieces they may still not have, if any, to deploy tactical nuclear weapons. And both CCP China and Russia will use their UNSC vetoes to insulate Tehran and Pyongyang from any coordinated international response at the UN level for sure. Any response from us will need to be ex-UN and any of its agencies or other international orgs where Russia and CCP China are members.

John Bolton aside, but yes, its more than worth to focus these creapy guys ! Their systems survive by terrifying their own people with „enemies“ behind the borderline, only. Greetz to „Fat-Tony“ in Pjoengjang !

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